Auriga Books, LLC
Edmonds, Washington
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Email: cyn at cynthiahodges dot com
The following books are available through Auriga Books. Click on a book or title to see the description and order information.
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A Zetacean's Guide to Life in This Universe
by Wuono
Alien entities from the planet Lukr are on a mission to Earth. “Zetaceans” are how many think of us because Lukr is in the Zeta Reticuli star system... Read More
Alien Invasion: Reptilians, Cetaceans, and Frequency Wars on Planet Earth by Wuono
In the distant past, Reptilian star-travelers conquered humanity. These demon-possessed body-forms cruelly exploited the subjugated humans. Another race of beings called Cetaceans came to help humans liberate themselves from Reptilian domination... Read More
Spirituality/Conspiracy Theories
Forbidden Secrets of the Illuminati: The Luciferian Deception by Michael Adair
The Illuminati form a secret society that plans to impose the draconian New World Order on the whole of humanity. The information contained in this book was entrusted to the author by an Illuminati insider who instructed him to write a pro-Illuminati recruitment book... Read More
Plastic Macca: The Secret Death and Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney by Tina Foster
In the fall of 1969, a rumor swept across two continents that the lovable Beatle, Paul McCartney, had been killed in a car crash. According to some, he was replaced by “Billy Shears...” Read more
Political Science
Behind the Curtain: Exposing the Hidden Threats to Elections
“Behind the Curtain” delves into the critical issue of election integrity, analyzing the mechanisms that safeguard electoral processes and the challenges they face, such as voter fraud, ballot manipulation, cybersecurity threats, and administrative errors. It examines how electoral fraud distorts outcomes, erodes public confidence, and threatens political stability, potentially leading to unrest, corruption, and harm to a nation's global standing. Read more...

CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America by Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
“CODE RED” dissects communism's current challenge to America, exploring its historical roots, ideologies, and societal impacts. It unveils how Marxism infiltrates education, media, and politics, eroding liberty under the guise of “equity.” This book analyzes Marxist subversion, exposing threats to American values. By paralleling historical socialism with today's politics, it reveals potential consequences of current policies. As a crucial guide, it empowers readers to recognize warning signs and protect America’s republican legacy. Unveiling hidden agendas, it encourages critical analysis, urging readers to question policy motives and safeguard freedom against communism's resurgence. Read more...
The Splitting Image: Exposing the Secret World of Doubles, Decoys, and Impostor-Replacements by Tina Foster
Psychological operations involving doubles are explored in this book. Politicians, heads of state, and other public figures routinely use doubles for a variety of clandestine purposes. Some are for security, while others serve more nefarious objectives... Read more.

Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
"Zion’s Legacy" examines the catastrophic Nakba, a pivotal moment in history characterized by the widespread displacement of Palestinians during the establishment of Israel in 1948. The narrative delves into the clash between Zionist and Palestinian aspirations, illustrating how this collision of cultures continues to inflame conflict. The book sheds light on unresolved issues stemming from the Nakba that prevent lasting peace. Prompting acknowledgment of historical injustices, "Zion’s Legacy" calls for reconciliation and suggests potential paths towards achieving peace in the Middle East. See more...
5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Book Online
by Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
Promotion is key to an author’s success. This book discusses five easy and effective ways to market your book online. Writing your book is only the first step. Promoting it is just as important... Read more
Beyond the Cherry Tree: the Leadership Wisdom of George Washington by James P. Hodges, Ph.D.
George Washington has remained our most outstanding role-model and mentor-leader. The story of how he raised himself up by his bootstraps from relative poverty to wealth is both inspiring and instructive... Read more
Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy
by Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
Central banks have wrested control of national economies from elected officials and have hijacked financial policy-making. Read more

Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America
by Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
"Downsized" delves into America's economic past, spotlighting the effects of deindustrialization and the closure of factories. Read more...

Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington
by James P. Hodges, Ph.D. and Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
“Leadership by George” explores the profound influence of George Washington's leadership on shaping not only American history, but also timeless principles applicable to contemporary leadership issues. Read more...
True Crime |

The Devil in His Heart: David Berkowitz and the "Son of Sam" Murders
by Tina Foster
Embark on a chilling journey into the heart of darkness with “The Devil in His Heart: David Berkowitz and the 'Son of Sam' Murders.” In the tumultuous landscape of 1970s New York City, David Berkowitz, infamously known as the “Son of Sam,” terrorized the city, instilling fear and despair as he mercilessly targeted young couples, leaving a community gripped by fear and uncertainty. Read more...
Monsieur Baucher and His Arts: a Serious Word with Germany's Riders by Louis Seeger, Translated by Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
Modern day dressage is split between adherents of the Classical School and those who are "competition" riders. Some techniques meant for competition derive from the training system of Francois Baucher... Read More
System of Horsemanship
by Louis Seeger, Translated by Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA
This book lays out a dressage training system that begins with breaking the colts and continues all the way up to the Airs Above the Ground of the High School. Proven methods to put the horse in perfect balance under the rider are outlined in this book, as well as how to use jumping to unlock the power in the hindquarters... Read More